.NET Weekly #112 (21.01 - 27.01)
Cloud & Web
- Twitter migrates data to Google Cloud to keep the world tweeting
- Nobody Cares About OAuth or OpenID Connect
- Memory usage of a toy C# server and client with 500K concurrent connections on
- Running async tasks on app startup in ASP.NET Core (Part 3 - Feedback)
- Subscribe SQS to a SNS topic in another AWS account with CloudFormation, and gotchas
Tooling & Libraries
- Zorp GPL - The security middleware
- GitLab 11.7 shipped with Releases, Multi-level Child Epics, and NPM Registry
- TiDB open sources its MySQL/MariaDB compatible data migration tool
- 10 Essential VS Code Extensions for JavaScript Developers in 2019
- Practical Linux Hardening Guide
- Yarn’s Future - v2 and beyond
- Building with FAKE on Azure DevOps
- NuGet’s fancy older sibling FuGet gives you a whole new view of the .NET packaging ecosystem
- Top GUI Tools for PostgreSQL
Architecture & Databases
- MongoDB vs. Amazon DocumentDB - MongoDB CTO Breaks It Down
- 7 Habits of Effective Software Architects and Developers
- Microsoft acquires Citus Data, re-affirming its commitment to Open Source and accelerating Azure PostgreSQL performance and scale
- InfluxDB 2.0 Alpha Release and the Road Ahead
- Amazon Architecture
- How much maintenance_work_mem do I need in Postgres
- CockroachDB’s Consistency Model
- Why we choose Badger over RocksDB in Dgraph
- Some thoughts on anti-patterns
- Developing Microservices with Behavior Driven Development and Interface Oriented Design
Programming Languages
- Why every new web app at PayPal starts with TypeScript
- Meta Programming in JavaScript with Proxies
- Panzer General Domain-Driven Design
- An interesting list structure, part 1
- An interesting list structure, part 2
- Announcing TypeScript 3.3 RC
- The TypeScript Tax - A Cost vs Benefit Analysis
- Special Cases Are a Code Smell
- Do more with patterns in C# 8.0
- COM Object Access and dynamic in .NET Core 2.x
- The Power of F# Discriminated Unions
- Reduces number of array-related FCalls by using more C#
- “Stack Walking” in the .NET Runtime
- .NET Core 3.0 Intrinsics in Real Life - 3/3
- Implementing hard limit for GC heap
- JavaScript V8 Engine Explained
- Debugging .NET Apps with Time Travel Debugging
- What Do These … Classes Do in my Memory Snapshots
- Zero-shot transfer across 93 languages - Open-sourcing enhanced LASER library
- Seamlessly Integrated Deep Learning Environment with Terraform, Google cloud, Gitlab and Docker
- 10x Paychecks for 10x Programmers
- Why we use Ruby on Rails to build GitLab
- Isolates and Compressed References - More Flexible and Efficient Memory Management via GraalVM
- More-Efficient “Kernel Methods” Dramatically Reduce Training Time for Natural-Language-Understanding Systems