.NET Weekly #160 (20.01 - 26.01)
Cloud & Web
- Hardening Refresh Tokens
- Styled Components vs. CSS Stylesheets
- Move from Traditional ASP.NET to Core Requires Heavy Lifting
- Azure Functions runtime 3.0 is now generally available
- Excluding health check endpoints from Serilog request logging
- The Next Decade of .NET Open Source
- Does Your Domain Have a Registry Lock
- 5 Reasons for Doing Microfrontends
- Routing Basics in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Tooling & Libraries
- Project Model Updates in Rider 2019.3
- Reactive Distributed communication framework for .net, kotlin, js. Inspired by Rider IDE
- GitLab 12.7 released with Parent-Child Pipelines and Windows Shared Runners Beta
- Deploy a Pod on CentOS with Podman
- Introducing Yarn 2
- Enforcing C# EditorConfig formatting conventions at build time
Architecture & Databases
- MariaDB Goes Cloud Native with AWS S3 API, and Introduces Smart Transactions
- Principles to help you design and deploy a zero trust architecture
- Site reliability engineering- Predictions for 2020
- Path to a Software Architect
- Why Nobody Pays for Database Software
- Five Methods For Database Obfuscation
- Using PostgreSQL Replication Slots
- Event Versioning Guidelines
Programming Languages
- No, dynamic type systems are not inherently more open
- What is Rust and why is it so popular
- The other side of technical skill - Domain Knowledge and Long-term Vision
- The Power of Types for Errors
- What I learned as a developer from accidents in space
- Desktop Apps with Avalonia and FSharp
- The Inversion of Control pattern in the test of time
- Introduction to Akka.Streams