The Crafting Strider

Raman But-Husaim’s personal webblog. Ideas, tech articles born through the life of a software engineer

.NET Weekly #111 (14.01 - 20.01)

Cloud & Web

  1. When to “componentize” from the point of Vue
  2. How to Drastically Reduce Estimated Input Latency and Time to Interactive of SSR Vue.js Applications
  3. Porting 30K lines of code from Flow to TypeScript
  4. The (Almost) Secret Algorithm Researchers Used to Break Thousands of RSA Keys
  5. An alternative way to secure SPAs (with ASP.NET Core, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and ProxyKit)
  6. A Peek at the EF Core Cosmos DB Provider Preview
  7. Running async tasks on app startup in ASP.NET Core (Part 2)

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Stack Overflow Developer Desktop Build - 2019
  2. A Visual Studio to Visual Studio Code Snippet Converter
  3. SOLID Veteran or Copy/Paste Master? Finding duplicate code
  4. 9 Kubernetes Security Best Practices Everyone Must Follow
  5. Tumblr - Open Sourcing our Kubernetes Tools
  6. NuGet self-contained license feature is now live
  7. Debug deeper with HTTP View
  8. The future of TypeScript on ESLint

Architecture & Databases

  1. Announcing The FoundationDB Record Layer
  2. On Infrastructure at Scale - A Cascading Failure of Distributed Systems
  3. SageDB - a learned database system
  4. Towards a hands-free query optimizer through deep learning
  5. Amazon Aurora - Design Considerations for High Throughput Cloud-Native Relational Databases
  6. Operable Software
  7. Tech Choices I Regret at Spectrum
  8. Introducing Scylla Open Source 3.0
  9. Why we built CockroachDB on top of RocksDB
  10. Database Security - How to Use Encryption to Protect Your MongoDB Data
  11. The role of domain model with CQRS / Event Sourcing

Programming Languages

  1. Defensive JavaScript
  2. How Radix trees made blocking IPs 5000 times faster
  3. C# Deadlocks in Depth – Part 1
  4. Indexer error cases
  5. Generics & Variance
  6. Exploring System.Threading.Channels
  7. Persisting fast in database - LOAD DATA and COPY
  8. System.Data in .NET Core 3.0


  1. Managed pointers in .NET
  2. High performance IO with System.IO.Pipelines
  3. Performance Tuning for .NET Core
  4. Exception handling internals in dotnet
  5. Fixing .NET middle-age crisis with Java ReferenceQueue and Cleaner


  1. AWS, MongoDB, and the Economic Realities of Open Source
  2. State of the Stack 2019 - A Year in Review
  3. What if the Architect is Wrong?
  4. An Incremental Architecture Approach to Building Systems
  5. Why anyone would bother to learn out-of-demand languages