The Crafting Strider

Raman But-Husaim’s personal webblog. Ideas, tech articles born through the life of a software engineer

.NET Weekly #145 (23.09 - 29.09)

Cloud & Web

  1. Serverless - 15% slower and 8x more expensive
  2. Creating gRPC .NET Core Client Libraries
  3. Thinking in React Hooks
  4. HTTP 3 - the past, the present, and the future
  5. Introducing IHostLifetime and untangling the Generic Host startup interactions
  6. Performance metrics for blazingly fast web apps
  7. Using DynamoDB to track changes to DynamoDB
  8. GraphQL and Caching - The Elephant in the Room
  9. 9 Must Decisions in Web Application Development
  10. Upgrading my AlbumViewer Sample Application to ASP.NET Core 3.0

Tooling & Libraries

  1. gRPC on dotnet core
  2. Xamarin Announcements from .NET Conf 2019
  3. Ix Async 4.0 is released
  4. Npgsql 4.1 released with EFCore 3.0 support
  5. .NET Core 3 Local Tools
  6. Integrate Linux Commands into Windows with PowerShell and the Windows Subsystem for Linux

Architecture & Databases

  1. Comparing Database Types - How Database Types Evolved to Meet Different Needs
  2. The tech behind building an independent, internet radio station
  3. Building A Relational Database Using Kafka
  4. On Sharding
  5. Design and Implementation of a DDD-Based Modular Monolith
  6. What to Know When Start Working with MongoDB in Production - Ten Tips
  7. Azure SQL DB Design Note - Choosing the Right Database Reservation Size
  8. Hot patching SQL Server Engine in Azure SQL Database

Programming Languages

  1. Why should you use F# when your team uses C#
  2. Announcing F# 4.7
  3. Who Cares About Functional Programming
  4. Designing far memory data structures - think outside the box
  5. Be wary of functions which take several parameters of the same type
  6. Robustness fixes are hard


  1. Announcing .NET Core 3.0
  2. Add initial perf jitdump support
  3. Stubs in the .NET Runtime
  4. V8 adds support for top-level await
  5. V8 release v7.8


  1. AWS Joins the .NET Foundation
  2. Growing the .NET ecosystem through shared models of Quality, Confidence, and Support
  3. Announcing Rust 1.38.0
  4. WARP is here
  5. How Browser Fingerprinting Works
  6. Announcing free C#, .NET, and ASP.NET for beginners video courses and tutorials