.NET Weekly #109 (31.12 - 06.01)
Cloud & Web
- Contemporary Views on Serverless and Implications
- Seven reasons to learn Vue.js in 2019
- Vue.js 3.0 Roadmap
- Open redirects - the vulnerability class no one but attackers cares about
- Reuse HttpContext object per HTTP 1 connection and HTTP 2 stream
- Using dependency injection with Twilio SMS and ASP.NET Core 2.1
.NET Weekly #108 (24.12 - 30.12)
Cloud & Web
- Vue vs React — Part 0 - Thinning the Herd
- GraphQL concepts I wish someone explained to me a year ago
- Blazor Toast Notifications using only C#, HTML and CSS
- How I do Vue in 2019 - TypeScript and TSX
- Being fast and light - Using binary data to optimise libraries on the client and the server
- Node.js Fundamentals - Web Server Without Dependencies
- Don’t let ASP.NET Core Console Logging Slow your App down
.NET Weekly #107 (17.12 - 23.12)
Cloud & Web
- Is ASP.NET Core now a Mature Platform?
- 3 tips for scaling large Vue.js application
- My Thoughts on the Serverless Announcements at reInvent 2018
- Productivity in Vue — Part 1
- A Fairy Tale of F# and Durable Functions
.NET Weekly #106 (10.12 - 16.12)
Cloud & Web
- A new Security Header - Clear Site Data
- How Does React Tell a Class from a Function
- Minimising your attack surface by building highly specialised docker images — example for .NET Core 2.1 applications
- Immutable Web Apps
- Lazy load images with zero Javascript
- Mixins and custom functions to enhance your Vue applications
- Useful ASP.NET Core 2.2 Features
.NET Weekly #105 (12.11 - 18.11)
Cloud & Web
- Type Vue without TypeScript
- React for the Angular Dev
- Amazon DynamoDB encrypts all customer data at rest
- Long Polling - Concepts and Considerations
- CSS Frameworks Or CSS Grid - What Should I Use For My Project?
- OWASP DevSlop’s journey to TLS and Security Headers
- Simplifying dependency injection for IConfigureOptions with the ConfigureOptions() helper
.NET Weekly #104 (05.11 - 11.11)
Cloud & Web
- Why Angular Made Me Quit Web Dev
- A Netflix Web Performance Case Study
- Making a large scale app with vue.js (part 1) - modularize your store!
- How to implement a multi-CDN strategy - everything you need to know
- Working with Dynamic Components in Vue.js
- What Makes DotNet Core It So Special?
- Cloud Computing without Containers
- Added support for generic host based IWebHostBuilder
- Goodbye Electron, Hello Desktop PWAs
- Delaying strongly-typed options configuration using PostConfigure in ASP.NET Core
- Announcing the general availability of Azure Event Hubs for Apache Kafka
.NET Weekly #103 (29.10 - 04.11)
Cloud & Web
- Serverless Smart Radio — Part II — Step functions
- VueJS Cheat Sheet Part 1
- React hooks - not magic, just arrays
- Making Sense of React Hooks
- Authorization middleware
- Configuring named options using IConfigureNamedOptions and ConfigureAll
.NET Weekly #102 (22.10 - 28.10)
Cloud & Web
- The problems with forcing regular password expiry
- React and GraphQL at the NYTimes
- The Bleeding Edge Of Razor
- Common Pitfalls writing scalable services in ASP.NET Core
- Getting to know React DOMs event handling system inside out
- What’s up with GitLab.com? Check out the latest data on its stability
- The dangers and gotchas of using scoped services in IConfigureOptions
.NET Weekly #101 (15.10 - 21.10)
Cloud & Web
- Cookie Security - Myths and Misconceptions
- Modernizing Transport Security
- How We Built Snowflake on Azure
- Customer Notes - Diagnosing issues under load of Web API app migrated to ASP.NET Core on Linux
- Cloud Computing Without Containers
- Version 7 of Angular — CLI Prompts, Virtual Scroll, Drag and Drop and more
- Having The Security Rug Pulled Out From Under You
.NET Weekly #100 (08.10 - 14.10)
Cloud & Web
- Microsoft Announces the General Availability of the Immutable Storage Functionality in Azure Storage
- HTTP/2 and ASP.NET Core MVC - Protocol based content delivery
- A timing attack with CSS selectors and Javascript
- Long-term React & Redux SPA — Lessons learned
- Breaking Azure Functions with Too Many Connections
- URLs are hard, let’s kill them
- Building an open source GitHub project using Azure DevOps
- Authorization In GraphQL Using Custom Schema Directives
- Introduction to Vue.js with a Single Page Application (SPA) in Visual Studio
- Amazon S3 Increases Request Rate Performance and Drops Randomized Prefix Requirement