Internet issue in OpenSUSE
Though I have a MacBook PRO 13’ that I’m using mostly to read articles and perform small dev tasks my main workstation is Intel Core I7-based desktop with two OSes installed - Windows 10 (for entertainment) and OpenSUSE as a core dev machine. I find OpenSUSE an amazing and quite stable distribution however from time to time I’m facing issues with it as well. And today became one of these interesting days.
.NET Weekly #99 (01.10 - 07.10)
Cloud & Web
- Plans for the Next Iteration of Vue.js
- A story about a Kubernetes migration
- Convert null-valued results to 404 in ASP.NET Core MVC
- StackExchange is moving to .NET Core
- StackOverflow is down
- Adding decorated classes to the ASP.NET Core DI container using Scrutor
- We can do better than percentile latencies
DataGrip password management in KDE and OpenSUSE
Today was the first time when I tried to launch JetBrains DataGrip on my KDE-based OpenSUSE distro that I’m actively using for development at home. Why I’m trying to reduce the usage of win 10 as much as possible is a separate story but anyway. As part of the home project that I’m involved in we are using MSSQL Server 2017 for Linux that could be easily started in Docker. Using DataGrip with such setup is quite straightforward however there is one pitfall related to how DataGrip stores passwords.
.NET Weekly #98 (24.09 - 30.09)
Cloud & Web
- Azure SignalR Service now generally available
- AWS Amplify Announces Vue.js Support for Building Cloud-powered Web Applications
- Building with blockchain on Azure
- Deploying an ASP.NET Core application to Windows IIS
- Introducing Azure Functions 2.0
.NET Weekly #97 (17.09 - 23.09)
Cloud & Web
- Leakage-Resilient Client-side Deduplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud Storage
- React vs. Vue (vs. Angular)
- Introduction to Docker – Deploy a multi-container application
- Expanding DNSSEC Adoption
- Magecart are coming for you, are you ready?
- Psst! Here’s why ReasonReact is the best way to write React
- The future of ASP.NET SignalR
- Running ASP.NET Core content negotiation by hand
.NET Weekly #96 (10.09 - 16.09)
Cloud & Web
- Let’s Encrypt at Scale
- Announcing Azure Pipelines with unlimited CI/CD minutes for open source
- How Discord Handles Two and Half Million Concurrent Voice Users using WebRTC
- Developing APIs using Actor model in ASP.NET Core
- ASP.NET Core 2.2.0-preview2 now available
- 8 steps to building your own serverless GraphQL API using AWS Amplify
- Goodbye Redux
- The danger of target=_blank and opener
.NET Weekly #95 (03.09 - 09.09)
Cloud & Web
- Serverless Best Practices
- How to Design for the Modern Web
- The Terrible Performance Cost Of CORS Request, on the single-page application
- Building the Decentralised Web — Part Two - The Components
- AWS Top 10 Security Tips
- Why isn’t my ASP.NET Core environment-specific configuration loading
.NET Weekly #94 (27.08 - 02.09)
Cloud & Web
- React vs Vue - Programming Experience
- Serverless - Cold Start War
- React Fire - Modernizing React DOM
- How to secure Microservices on AWS with Cognito, API Gateway, and Lambda
- Markdown and Cross Site Scripting
- Running smoke tests for ASP.NET Core apps in CI using Docker
.NET Weekly #93 (20.08 - 26.08)
Cloud & Web
- Optimally Configuring ASP.NET Core HttpClientFactory
- Bing.com runs on .NET Core 2.1
- The curious case of missing Authorization header
- Adding Segment client-side analytics to an ASP.NET Core application
- GraphQL Server Tutorial with Apollo Server and Express
- Instant GraphQL on AWS RDS
.NET Weekly #92 (13.08 - 19.08)
Cloud & Web
- Moving APIs to .NET Core
- The Secrets of Load-balancing Long Lived TCP Connections
- How I scaled my static website to a global market for a fraction of the cost on AWS
- ASP.NET Core 2.2 First Look – Endpoint Routing (aka Dispatcher)
- Azure Blob Storage IFileProvider for ASP.NET Core
- Using snake case column names with Dapper and PostgreSQL